The assorted package of our 3D teeth endo is a complete package consisting of all our 3D teeth, allowing you to get to know and try all our products.
Heat resistant
Polimers used are heat-resistant, so high-speed burs don’t gum up and the replica’s canal walls don’t melt when obturating with warm gutta-percha methods.
Multiple positions
Number and morphological position of root canals copies real tooth. There are a number of procedural endodontic challenges;S curves, cervical curves, mid-root bifurcations, apical confluencies etc.
Root Canals
Root canals contain a red gel-like material simulating pulp tissue that dissolves in sodium hypochlorite. It is possible to learn the access through calcified pulp chambers.
Special patented resin
Real size tooth models made out of special patented resin material with hardness similar to dentin and that enables visual control of files during preparation.
Endodontic simulator
Endodontic simulator for training the access to the pulp chamber and root canal preparation tasks.